
“To create added value by providing pragmatic and continuously advanced management advice within a clear framework.”

Pragmatic and continuously advanced management will in the near future create the difference between profit and loss. Pragmatism is a mindset but does not give direction. A pragmatic leader needs, on top of the right mindset, a clear framework. This is where Coverton comes in. At regular intervals we put everything within a clear framework.


In an ever faster changing world, expectations of services and products keep on rising. The time slot to change a company strategy become smaller and smaller. At the same moment the complexity of processes and legislation increase month after month.

In order to continue to make a difference in these challenging times, it’s absolutely necessary to keep an eye for the added value of all stakeholders in the process: customers, suppliers, staff members, … in short everyone who’s involved closely or from a distance.

Complexity is the result of historical situations and limitations. Decisions made today determine the success of an organisation in the future.


“To create a trendsetting network of like minded people who want to manage within a clear framework.”

JFK said: “One person can make a difference, and everyone should try.” Coverton commits to make a difference, day after day. We want to convince people to join us in looking at management from a different perspective. This will increase our common impact and the effect we have in our communities.


  • Efficient
  • Sustainable
  • Engaged
  • Pragmatic
  • Determind